Looking for a good position?
Here is how you get one!
EverBrain can give you friendly advice to help you ensure your career is going in the right direction.
Should you decide you want to find out more on specific career opportunities, EverBrain can always help you to find the job that shifts your individual requirements best.
Register in EverBrain.
Job Seeker Registration
The information you provide will not be disclosed to an emplyer without your consent. We will request your consent after you show interest in pursuing a potential position that we have presented to you. We will keep your resume in our database and then contact you as soon as a position becomes available.
Please use EverBrain Korean web site application form or contact us via email:
Send your resume to everbrain@everbrain.com (resume in Korean or English languages)
The following information must contain in your resume:
If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us as the below.
Address | 12 Floor, 25 Ttukseom-ro 1-gil, Seoungdong-gu, Seoul, Korea | |||
Contact | Tel | 82-2-553-7360 / 82-2-553-6830 | Fax | 0504-981-7360 |
grace@everbrain.com / everbrain@everbrain.com |